Category Archives: World pics

Vacation!! Granite State

Ok so i haven’t posted in way too long.  Just arrived home from VACATION in

New Hampshire – The Granite State!!

U like rock??  ok then you will like NH.

That’s a shot from what’s called Cathedral Ledge Lookout near North Conway, NH.  One of the natural wonders we enjoyed while staying in Bartlett NH.  I picked this to start posting about NH, because, well it’s GraniteHuge Granite hunk o mountain.

The day was perfect weather and me and my offsprings were there to enjoy the view, just to be on the mount.  The great thing is you can drive up there.  Now if u r a rock climber, u can also come up “the hard way”.  If u enlarge this pic and look at the middle right side where the green is amid the stone, you can see some peeps doing just that.

But for me and mine, including 11 grandkids, oldies like me n Mar, and the rest, driving to the top made it accessible.  Here r pics of them and us :

Here is a view looking outward:

  The ski area is Cranmore.

So I highly recommend New Hampshire.  If you like nature, you will LOVE it there.

More NH stuff will follow.  But b4 i go, just a shout out to our dear friends,

Kevin and Mary Ellen Canty.  We have known them for eons, and just recently got to see them as NH is a favorite vacation place for them.  Awesome to spend a great afternoon with them.

LOTR – Edoras

So i spoke with the roving correspondent and he came through with the pictures of the location in New Zealand where some of Lord of the Rings was filmed.


This rocky dome is where Edoras was built.  The realm of King Theoden, Rohan was the country, Edoras was its city.


This shows a pic of Eowin on the platform outside the Kings dwelling.


and the same view without the LOTR additions, the Southern Alps of New Zealand.

Oahu, Waikiki

Ah, the roving correspondent is officially back in the States.  If you have been following his progress he was at the south pole, and lately has been moving further and further north.  Because if you leave the south pole, u pretty much have to. Go north that is.

Wiakiki 1

Waikiki 2

Waikiki 3

If you look at the first picture u can see Diamond Head.  It’s the peak of the volcano that formed the island.  Though it doesn’t look very tall from the picture it is the island’s highest point.  I have visited this island, it is totally awesome.  I even surfed.  You should too if u ever have the chance.


Farewell to South Pole


Well my friend has departed the bottom continent. Nice shot out the plane window, huh? He’s my roving correspondent. We may have some other shots to share of the way way down. For now lets just say he has left Antarctica behind. Stay tuned for a little something from a little farther north. After all north is pretty much the only way to go, if u r way way down there.