Category Archives: Uncategorized

Again, too long since last communique

Ok so i have again let too much time pass since the last blog post. Time to change the header, and make some more comments on life. So the new header is heralding spring. April showers, May flowers – you know.

These particular flowers are not mine, exactly. But they kind of are. Becuz i live in New York State.

View shows some of the many beautiful flower bed

See, the original European settlers of this area were from Holland, the Dutch. And so in the Capital of NY, Albany, the city has some amazing flower beds, and – if you love flowers, especially tulips, and can spare the time, the Albany Tulip Festival info is linked below:

The dates are May 11,12 Sat & Sun. So my daughter took pictures at a previous tulip fest, and that’s where i got the new header. Boom!

So regarding comments on life, um i have something tasty coming soon. as in pictures of some food i cooked. This is the official teaser for another upcoming post. Now i am not a gourmet chef or anything like that. But here are a few hints about it: Big fork. Hot coals. Mustard.

Sun winning, spring is coming after all

OK so winter tried to hang on a little more this am.  But NO!  The sun came out and overpowered it.  Check this vid of the snow loosing to the sun.   As i  was doing dishes this A.M. i beheld a beautiful sight of the snow slowwllyy sliding off the solar panels.  This is better than watching paint dry!!

To me it is anyway.  Just look at it zoom –  Wow.  .  .  .  .  .

OK maybe zoom is the wrong word.  But its faster than watching the clock.  Second hand doesnt count.

I Refuse to Look Outdoors Until Spring

OK well i probably cant get away with that.  But dang, its snowing again.

So lets look upon some fair weather stuff just to cheer the day.

Some of these r from the Albany Tulip thing (first white settlers in Albany NY were Dutch.  Ya know from Holland, the country that used tulip bulbs for currency at one time)  and some are from my yard.

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring!

come on chant with me – Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring!

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring!


Burnside Park, Christchurch

A little more of beautiful New Zealand from my roving correspondent before he leaves it behind.  This is a place called Burnside Park, they hold cricket matches there.  We get to see some nice flowerbeds.  Enjoy!  this is the end of summer down there.  so peak foliage.  Excellent, and another thanks to my roving friend.



Ye Olden Pontiac

This is a ’64 Pontiac Bonneville a friend of mine owns.  They brought it over a while back, thought u might like to see it. He bought it in the Midwest sometime after 2000.  Mileage just over 72,000.  An amazing car.  Actually this is more than a car.  While not as big as a motor-home i think it still falls into the same category:  LAND YACHT

Grille Img0088 Tail1 Img0095

That sucker is huge. HUGE i say.


Another Pic from the Pole

Well here is the Mighty C-130 Hercules. There r larger cargo planes. But these r still large. 97 feet 9 inches long.
My house is (only?) 56 feet long.
U may not realize it but a fighter jet is quite large.
An F-15 is 63 feet.
BUT they don’t fly those to the south pole. The Hercules is the workhorse that gets it done way way down there.

Summer is over at the pole.
Yesterday 7 deg F. -11 wind chill. Ya i’d say that’s not too balmy. So my friend is leaving today. or is it tomorrow?
Coming soon, (hopefully) a little something from New Zealand.

Long Dark Winter / Over

Hello. It’s been way too long. Nearly a year. No way to run a blog, i know.
But i been really busy. Remember my 12 hour job w/ the hour commute? Still there.
Also helping remodel apartments w/ my son-in-law. That takes care of all my free time. And just in case, my job is at night, remember? So on all those “free” days (read: everyday) many times i sleep them away. Truly, there ain’t no free lunch.
In other words, my body clock is so screwy that its hard to use the days, because i am now a nocturnal creature. I have always been somewhat like that – easy for me to stay up at night. But now, it’s often hard to stay up at day. And to sleep during the day is pretty weird too. You must have dark or it’s no good. If the room is light you can only sleep for a short time, then the light wakes you. The dark blue blanket over the window gets me there.
Well enough about that. I have news – just added three categories: HVAC, Food and Gluten. Strange combo you say? True enough. For those who may not know – Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning = HVAC. My life of employment has been here. I will write more on this.
Food – one of my good friends at work is a food guy. He attended a really good chef school and ran a deli business for a number of years. He has a great talent with food, and love for it. It’s really funny, often we speak of food, and he will always say his mouth is starting to water. So hopefully my blog will incorporate food items and recipes from the “Mystery Chef”.
Gluten? What is that you may ask. Well it’s a sticky substance that naturally is in wheat and some other grains. So what? So my wife is allergic to it. There are degrees of intolerance to the stuff. Some folks are bothered by it enough that it is almost like a poison to them. Most are less so. And the medical community and society at large are relatively ignorant on the subject. Although many restaurants are starting to get with the program. Yup, attach dollars signs and people take notice – good old American commerce is still alive and well. I will attempt to get my wife to write on this issue, or help me with it. She is somewhat of a local expert (had to become one of necessity). Many who have this issue may not know it, and wonder about their health issues – why can’t the doctors figure out what’s wrong? Listen, don’t get me going on that one! But just imagine if you couldn’t eat anything with wheat – no bread, no bagels, cookies, no pasta – sounds a little impossible doesn’t it? Well once you get the hang of it, it’s not so bad. There are substitutes for wheat flour (rice flour combinations) and other ways to go. But enough for now – just hopefully you will see some pieces on that subject here.
I will start using my “can’t sleep at night on my day off” time to blog more. The long dark winter of no writing has (hopefully) turned to spring. Wish me luck.