Category Archives: Food

Food. a good meal i had recently, whats good. whats not. etc.

This Corn will Change Your Life

“Its just sweet corn”  you say?  But have you ever had sweet corn from Hayner’s Farm?  ??

WELL, HAVE YOU??    If you haven’t, you NEED to.

It’s fresh, picked daily M_Sat.  Sunday is the day of rest.


You need to get there early in the morning.  It’s put out around 9 am.  And it sells out

E-v-e-r-y DAY!!

Zoom in close to the husked corn – It’s perfect!!

Now get u some, cook it up, LOAD on the butter and salt.

THERE, admit it, your life is so much better now.

Case closed, best corn in the ‘verse!!


Past Expiration Date

So way long ago when i wuz a youngun, there were no expiration dates printed on anything.  U had to use your brain, and usually your nose, to determine if something had gone bad.  Smell is a great indicator that foodstuffs have lost the battle to bacteria.

Then our government stepped in to save us all from needing to sniff.  It seems like today everything sold has an expiration date.  Like do brake caliper pads go bad if too far removed for manufacture date?

I jest!  ha ha ha ha

But seriously you know of which i speak (type).

Then, remember?  how i needed to make a wider path though my basement for the oil tank swap?  Yeah so in doing that, i found this:

  So what you see here is sticky icky.  The bottle is an empty windshield washer jug.  But the real interesting thing is the sticky.  What the heck?  This stuff is like dried tar, the bottle was glued to the shelf with it!

So here is the clue, really the answer:


Just a tip, if you see a can that looks like this, do not buy it.  The ends should b flat.

When we purchased the juice, the can looked like it was supposed to.  We stored it on the metal shelf you see above.  Then the clutter closed in and the can went to long long storage phase.  How long, you ask??

Well lets say the exp date was like 6-7 months after we purchased it, we shall estimate we purchased juice in late 2000.   Now fast forward to 2018, the tank chore, making room etc, and i find the plastic bottle glued to the shelf, and this can has like nothing left in it.  Shake it and a little noise from a little bit of crust or whatever.  But the thing weighs like an empty can.

So here’s the scoop.  Pineapple is acidic.  So too the juice of the pineapple.  So at some point between 2000 and say 2015, the acid ate through the can, just enough to let bacteria into the juice.  Those little bugs said:  “YUM  i like pineapple!”  the can turned into a fermentation vat, and the pressure increased, and i would say we were lucky that fermented pineapple juice didn’t explode all over.  Instead it gradually leaked out and evaporated down to the road tar substance that glued the bottle to the shelf.

So what do we learn from this?  Well the expiration date is useful as an archeological tool.  otherwise i would have not any clue when we purchased it.  AND  do we really need a date to tell us if canned goods are no longer good??  Well i repeat the above advice, if you see a can that looks bloated, do not purchase, nay i say, and if you find a bulging unit in your home storage, gingerly place into your garbage can.  OR you could put it down range and shoot it.  bet that would b fun!  just make sure you are far enough away.

Anyway this science experiment is over.  Have a nice day.











First day trip / campfire of 2018!

So yesterday the weather was really fine.  Warm sunny spring day.  After i went to son’s house to help set up the trampoline (gulp, hope no one gets killed or maimed), came home and did most of the spring chore of returning driveway shale to the driveway (snowplowing moves my driveway) then i decided to take a day trip to the great outdoors.  Of course most of the day was spent so it would have to b short.  So the trip was just to deck.  actually it wasn’t really a day trip, better coin a new phrase:    “Outdoor interlude”

I think that’s a pretty good and honest way to put it.  Easy short and sweet. 15 feet of travel, start a fire, roast, eat.  I didn’t even refuel the fire after.  But hey, it was a great time!!

I love my Chiminea!


Sap Shortfall

Well u have already heard me whine about this long cold winter. Heres another issue with the weather: The maple sap that is boiled down to make maple syrup isn’t flowing well at all. A fraction of normal. So it may turn out to be a shortage of Maple Syrup this year.  Can u say price increase?  And despite higher prices the syrup producers will still not made much. Bummer on all sides.



New Zealand Life

Well here’s a few more shots from my roving correspondent. He had some lamb souvlaki from Dimitris food Wagon and said it was tasty.


This is a tram to help you get around Christchurch.


If you ever get to go there this sculpture is known as the chalice.


And here’s my favorite shot. This is the Avon river. Folks enjoy boat rides, kayaking or simply the view.


Thanks roving correspondent!  Carry on!

Grill Pan – Test Tonite

Hey i just bought this pan the other day.  Lovely wife is out right now getting a steak to try it out with.  Will update this post later with picture of the steak, and report on what we think of this option to trying to fire up the grill when the outdoor temp is 17 deg F.

The pan after cooking duty.


OK, here’s the steak we cooked, 



and my plate before enjoying the meal.



Don’t drool on your electronics.

I would recommend a grill pan added to your cooking arsenal.  Not as good as an outdoor grill, but when its too nasty outdoors to grill there, a grill pan is a great option to have.


Fish & Chips (from up north)

Well my friend has gone north just like i told u he would. And is in Christchurch New Zealand. Like a good roving corespondent, he’s checking out the local sights and things to do. A little later today we will put up some pics of the countryside. But he made a point to let me know he had a great lunch of fish and chips. His companion had been to the place before and liked it. Repeat business says something. So if u r hungry for some fish and chips (their other food also looks top notch) and u happen to be in Christchurch City, may i suggest this fine establishment:

Pegasus Arms Restaurant and Bar
14 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch City, NZ