OK the official restart of the blog. Ready, set, GO!

So this started as an update to the “Read Here Please” page. Then i got moving along and decided it should b a post.  So it may have great similarities to that info page.

This blog has been running since 2007.  little action then ignored since 2009.  Brief flurry in 2014.  Now its 2018. That’s an even bigger gap huh.  Well now i might have a little more time as i am now, as i like to put it “semi-retired”.

Of course that also means its time to clean my (legendary) basement.  Ya legendary for being stuffed with stuff.  I will not admit to being a hoarder, but i also got the habit from my dad, who was raised in the depression, not to throw out anything that is still good.  So that’s like a pretty relative term, still good.  Apparently just about anything i pick up is still good.  So we are not talking about cleaning out the basement in a weekend.  If i get it to what an innocent wanderer would consider fairly neat i’m thinking like 6 months work.

So I think the difference between me and a hoarder is variety.  I think hoarders stick to mostly one thing.  Like a house filled with newspapers, or magazines.  or old rags. I’m pretty sure there are people out there with boxes and boxes of old toothbrushes right?  Those folks have the sickness.  surely a person doesn’t need more than say 2 for your mouth and maybe 10 to clean things with.

And i know for a fact that tools are never bad to get and keep more of.  Hand tools and power tools, never go out of style. Fix repair build etc, u always need tools.  I will b passing tools down to the grand kids.

Anyway i do hope to spend time also on the good old blog here. Wish me luck, i may need it.